E. Coli Can Kill You

The Killer Variant of Normal Bacteria


Medical Armageddon Being Paved With Human Feces In The Food Chain

E coli infection is becoming a dangerous new disease which is killing 250 people in America every year. Yet, only a few years ago, the strain of E. coli doing this was unknown. Here is the story:

A MODERN MENACE Normally found in the intestines of people and animals, E. coli can modify itself into forms which are extremely dangerous.

Five years ago, four children died and 500 people fell ill after eating E. coli 157-contaminated hamburgers at a certain West Coast restaurant chain.

In the half-decade since, there have been as many as 30 E. Coli outbreaks each year in the U.S., resulting in thousands of very ill people and hundreds of deaths.

In the past seven months, new outbreaks have been reported in Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Americans have become sick after eating ground beef, coleslaw, cheese, and various fruits and fruit juices.

In Indiana, 26 became infected from eating coleslaw at a fast-food outlet. The trail led to an infected cabbage patch in Texas.

A single dairy plant shipped infected cheese into three counties and 54 were infected.

In Washington D.C., children at a day-care center handled toys which were infected with the 0157 bacteria, and seven became ill.

In Alpine, Wyoming, many became sick in July after drinking the public drinking water. The infection produced sickness in 13 states yet it was caused caused by drinking water in Alpine during one weekend in June. Cows had gotten into the springs which supplied the water.

In Atlanta, 26 children became sick in June after wading in a children's pool at a water park; one two-year-old had a kidney breakdown and died in July. (A leaky diaper or diarrhea was believed to have been the cause.)

At the present time, every year about 20,000 people get sick from E. coli infections, and 250 of them die.

WHAT IT ISOfficially known as 0157:H7, the 157 variety is the most dangerous strain. E. coli is normally in the colon and is beneficial, helping the body to metabolize food. If some of it gets into your food or water, it can make you terribly sick. But if it is the 157 type, it can kill you.

The 157 variety, first discovered in 1982 during an Oregon epidemic, produces a powerful toxin that regular E. coli never does. The bacterial toxin initially destroys blood vessels in the intestines, which accounts for the bloody diarrhea that is the signature symptom of the infection. The toxin then passes into the bloodstream, where it damages various vessels throughout the body. This produces gummy clots which clog the kidneys and other organs.

Up to 5 percent of all people with 0157 infection develop a kidney condition known as hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). Up to 5 percent of all HUS cases are fatal. The clotting can also damage the heart, lungs, and even the central nervous system.

You cannot catch E. coli infection from the air; you have to ingest it in food or drink. Most people who are infected by 0157 survive if they drink enough fluids even though, in some cases, are hospitalized. Most of the 1 percent who die are children, elderly, and people with weakened immune systems.

Antibiotics are worthless in treating E. coli infection, and are known to actually intensify the problemby causing the bacteria to rupture and spill their toxin more widely in the intestines.

Unlike ordinary E. coli, the strain 0157:H7 has extra genes which permit it to cling to the walls of the intestine and produce a virulent poison, known as Shiga toxin.

This toxin injures cells in the intestinal wall, and, shortly thereafter, blood vessels in the intestinal wall. This produces bleeding.

As soon as the toxin enters the bloodstream, it begins damaging other blood vessels, especially those in the kidneys. This leads to kidney failure. If a persons kidneys fail, they never again work properly, and he must use a dialysis machineif he survives at all.

HOW TO AVOID ITTell those who eat such things to beware of the following:

Beware of meat and chicken products, milk and milk products, and raw fruit juices.

Wash your hands and all food you are going to eat raw. Handling raw meat can be dangerous. After handling it, wash hands, cutting boards and any plates, bowls or utensils in contact with it. Cook meat and poultry thoroughly. Do not eat rare meat (especially ground meat). Raw fruit, vegetables, and water can be infected. Do not go to swimming pools. Do not swallow lake water. Take precautions when changing a babys diapers.

Medical Armageddon Being Paved With Human Feces In The Food Chain

                                                   By The Idaho Observer

KING 5 TV (Seattle) reported Nov. 20, 2000, that thousands of tons of sewage sludge (processed human waste) that has been renamed 'biosolids' are being spread on farms across the state and other states throughout the country.

The practice is cause for concern in three specific areas with regard to contamination of the food chain. Last month in The Observer we reported that traces of unmetabolized synthetic pharmaceutical drugs such as Prosac, antibiotics and hormones are turning up in the groundwater of Europe and North America. Levels of these substances are being detected because as much as 95 percent of synthetic drugs ingested are not metabolized and leave the body in their original forms through the urine and the feces. If prescription drugs are being detected in the water after it has been treated, we can infer that they will also be present in the biosolids being spread all over the crops of this nation.

The presence of metals in 'biosolids' is also a concern. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Washington's Department of Ecology claim the metal content of biosolids processed at the state-of-the-art West Point Treatment Plant in Seattle is minimal.

West Point Manager Dick Finger explains that raw sewage is digested, heated and spun at his facility until it's just right for shipment to the fields. "We make sure the products that we produce are of a very high quality," said Finger.

Government agencies also claim that the potential for the spread of transmissible disease is low because the soil upon which it is deposited will kill any remaining pathogens. "Am I concerned about significant impacts to human health and the environment? No, not based on the information I've seen so far," says state Biosolids Coordinator Kyle Dorsey.

It is well known that fully decomposed material, even if it is human waste, is beneficial to the soil as organic matter and provides plants with the nutrients needed to grow healthy and yield abundantly. Treated sewage is not fully decomposed. For government agencies to claim that biosolids are safe is to ignore a tremendously important body of published science.

State of Washington 'biosolids' policy is likely contributing to the most ominous food supply disaster looming on the human horizon: Prions.

Prions are protein crystals that grow in grain fungi. Prions are nearly indestructible. We are being exposed to prions by eating animals such as cows that eat prion-contaminated grains. We are also being exposed to prions when we eat prion-contaminated grains.

Prions are crystals; crystals are attracted to electromagnetic energy; our brains produce electromagnetic energy; prions attracted to our brains cause lesions called encephalopathies; encephalopathies cause swelling of the brain; swelling of the brain causes dementia. Having prions in your brain also makes a person more open to suggestions that may be encoded through the transmission of TV and radio waves.

Prion disease, which was called 'kuru' when it was discovered in the in New Guinea in the early 1960s, is called 'mad cow disease' in cattle, 'whirling disease' in fish, 'scrapie' in pigs and sheep, 'wasting disease' in wild game and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in people (there is data to show that as many as 200,000 Americans who have been misdiagnosed with Alzheimer's disease may actually be suffering the ravages of prion disease).

If our food supply is already contaminated with prions, which there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that it is, then 'fertilizing' crops with human waste is going to exacerbate the situation.

'Every organism has a food supply that it depends upon for life. If the food supply is changed or contaminated, the organism must either adapt or become extinct,' Clyde Reynolds, ND, explained.

Scientists at Cornell University have serious concerns about the use of 'biosolids' as fertilizer. A team from Cornell tore apart the EPA's assumptions about the safety of the sludge.

Cornell found EPA's Cancer Risk Assessment is 'not protective,' and its enforcement and oversight is inadequate. It also found that pathogens may survive in soil, especially in cool, wet conditions.

The team from Cornell believes that there is no way to protect the public from leaching and flooding that may spread live pathogens.

Despite these justifiable concerns, Washington state allows sludge to be dumped in every county. There are no state-mandated testing procedures for pathogens once 'biosolids' are dumped.                                      

KING 5 test results

"Bob Thode spreads 22,000 wet tons of sludge over 600 acres at his Fire Mountain Farms in Lewis County. For that, he is paid more than $400,000 a year," reported KING 5 News.

Thode's neighbors are not impressed with his farming practices and equate living downstream from him to living downstream from a flushing toilet.

KING 5 Investigators decided to compare a sample of the sediment in one of Thode's ditches taken in 1994 (before 'biosolids') to one taken in the exact same place after six years of being licensed by the state to spread the sludge on his crops above the ditch.

Levels of all metals have increased drastically. KING 5 Investigators reportedly gave test results to Dorsey, who thought that pure 'biosolids' -- not ditch sediment was what KING 5 tested. Levels of pharmaceutical drugs were not tested, nor were the presence of prions tested.

"While our test is not conclusive, it has raised serious questions, and the state says more comprehensive testing may be needed," KING 5 concluded.

Plants absorb metals and other soil components so long as the particles are small enough. Therefore we have no idea how much metal may be ingested upon consumption of food grown in biosolid enriched soil.  "The government does not require food grown in sludge to be labeled," KING 5 concluded.
