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Yes, there is one. Indeed, there are several of them. Great places, produced in the 20th century where evolutionists should be able to see marvelous new mutation-produced species of plants and animals. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

CONTENT: An Evolutionist's Paradise

Introduction: Radiation: the great producer of gigantic mutations
1: Irradiated Jars of Fruit Flies: All the evolutionist will find there are damaged and dead flies
2: Chernobyl: Another miserable place, where he will find two-headed calves—but they are still in the cattle species
3: Hiroshima: A great place to produce super humans, yet all it did was maim the ones it did not kill
Conclusion: Are we to believe the evolutionists' fairy tales?

This material is excerpted from the book, MUTATIONS
. An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the books this Encyclopedia is based on, only 164 statements are by creationists.

You will have a better understanding of the following statements by scientists if you will also read the web page, Mutations.


Radiation: the great producer of gigantic mutations.

Look the world over, and you will find only one location where the evolutionist's goal can be achieved. That is a place where large amounts of mutations have occurred. Such places are evolutionary paradises, for these are the locations where the evolutionists can prove their theory that mutations are able to produce wonderfully beneficial, totally new, species.

Only in the 20th century have we had the opportunity to investigate such paradises; for, outside of the fruit fly laboratories, it has only been since 1945 that we have produced them. Some might say that there has not been enough time for such paradises to propagate new species, but it is known among thinking scientists that new species would have to be rapidly produced or they would die. Living organisms are far too complicated to live long with only part of their revised organs in place.

On November 5, 1895, the German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen, accidently discovered X rays. That occurrence revolutionized physics; and, within a few weeks, radioactivity was discovered.

"What was also discovered—the hard way—was that high-energy radiation could cause cancer. At least one hundred of the early workers with X rays and radioactive materials died of cancer, the first death taking place in 1902. As a matter of fact, both Marie Curie and her daughter, Irene Joliot-Curie, died of leukemia.

"What can all the various carcinogens—chemicals, radiation, and so on—possibly have in common? One reasonable thought is that all of them may cause genetic mutations in body cells . . That energetic radiation can produce mutations is well-established. What about the chemical carcinogens? Well, mutation by chemicals also has been demonstrated. The nitrogen mustards are a clear example . .

"The chemicals that cause mutations are call mutagens."—*Isaac Asimov, Asimov's New Guide to Science (1984), pp. 691-692.

The leading science writer of our time tells us to avoid anything which might cause mutations in our bodies:

"Most mutations—at least 99 percent of them—are detrimental, some even lethal. Eventually, even those that are only slightly harmful die out, because their bearers do not get along as well and leave fewer descendants than healthy individuals do . .

"Genetic research shows incontrovertibly that, for the population as a whole, even a slight increase in general exposure to radiation means a corresponding slight increase in the mutations rate . . There is, however, a strong recommendation that the danger be recognized and that exposure to radiation be minimized: that, for instance, X rays be used with discrimination and care, and that the sexual organs be routinely shielded during all such use."—*Isaac Asimov, Asimov's New Guide to Science (1984), pp. 612-613.

(We will not take time to discuss budding eyes, which is also an evolutionist's paradise. The budding eyes on roses react to radiation by producing far more mutated forms than most other plants. Yet the result never produces new species and only weakens the offspring of the specimens receiving it.)

"More mutations were obtained by the irradiation of 50 rose `budding eyes' than one could find in a field of a million rose plants in a lifetime of patient searching."—W.E. Lammerts, Why Not Creation? (1970), p. 301.

There is nothing else that can produce classical evolutionarily effects. The evolutionary results hesitantly postulated by *Charles Darwin, and triumphantly declared by later evolutionists to be a positive fact—have only had the slightest possibility of ever occurring anywhere—except in one place: a location subject to high nuclear bombardment of some kind (X rays, atomic radiation, etc.). Only then could enough mutations be produced to accomplish the glorious effects of evolution.

Here are three evolutionist's paradises, where massive amounts of mutations can be studied, all their wholesome, beneficial results can be observed, and the interrelation of natural selection in using them to produce new species can be measured:


The first paradise for the evolutionist. But what does he find?

In miniature, such a place is the fruit fly jar in the laboratory of the geneticist. Millions of such jars have been heavily irradiated for nearly half a century. Within those jars we should find NEW species! Not fruit flies, but something new! This is because radiation increases the number of mutations a million-fold more than could ever occur out in nature to fruit flies in a million years of time! Earlier in this article we mentioned the damage that mutations produce in fruit flies. We will not repeat it here. (Also see Fruit Flies Speak Up.)

Needless to say, irradiated fruit flies have never transmuted, through their offsprings, into some different type of creature.


The second place where we should find glorious new species.

Chernobyl is a second evolutionist's paradise. Here we have not jars of flies, but everything in a very large area of rural countryside heavily irradiated! Just think of all the wonderful evolutionary results that can arise from such a situation! Wonderful new species of plants and animals, advanced humanoids, as far beyond human beings, as people are beyond apes; this, according to evolutionary mutation theory, is the inevitable result. The possibilities are terrific, and the effects are taking place before us right now over in southwestern Russia. No expensive scientific funding was necessary to start this project; in fact, it is already in process—whether we like it or not.

In the case of the fruit flies, we have already mentioned the results of that paradise: Only abnormal flies are produced, and they and their descendants are only weakened, if not dead within a generation or two. Never—not once—has a new species been produced in those irradiated jars! Fruit flies produce thousands of generations within a comparatively short time, so the effects of mutations can be studied on down through great lengths of abbreviated time. And the result: nothing in the way of evolution.

In the case of Chernobyl, we have an exceedingly broad area that was irradiated. This paradise is much larger!

News report, dated April 27, 1990: Three years and one day after the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, 800,000 children in the Byelorussian Province of the Soviet Union, located north of Chernobyl, urgently need medical treatment as a result of the radiation received from that accident.

With four working reactors and two more being built, Chernobyl was destined to be one of the most powerful nuclear power stations in the Soviet Union. Located in the heart of some of the best agricultural regions of the nation, a sizeable population lived in towns, cities, and communes on all sides of it.

At 1:24 a.m., local time, on April 26, 1986, one or two explosions rocked the plant and blew apart reactor No. 4—and produced the worst nuclear plant accident in modern history. The blast(s) tore off a thousand-ton lid resting on the reactor core and a hole in the building's side and roof. Several tons of uranium dioxide fuel and fission products, such as cesium 137 and iodine 131, were hurled into the air. The explosion and heat sent up a 3 mile (5 km) plume of smoke, laden with contaminants.

Within ten days, clouds of deadly irradiated dust traveled northwest over Poland and into Scandinavia, and thence south to Greece, spreading contaminates throughout eastern Europe. Then it blew eastward over the length of the Soviet Union, and a small amount of it even reached California.

By Soviet accounts, 50 megacuries of the most dangerous radionuclides were released into the atmosphere, plus 50 megacuries of chemically inert radioactive gases. (In comparison, 17 curies were released in the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979.)

Soon after the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986, Soviet officials ordered the permanent evacuation of all villages within 19 miles of the power plant. What they did not immediately recognize was that the heavy nuclear fallout covered a much broader area. In some parts of Narodichi, a Ukrainian agricultural district whose boundaries lie some 37 miles from the reactor, levels of radioactivity are still nine times as high as the acceptable limits.

What about the plants and animals? A spring 1990 study, done 3 years after the meltdown by the chief economist of a Soviet government institute, calculates that the cost of Chernobyl, including the price of the cleanup and the value of lost farmland and production, could run as high as $358 billion—20 times as much as earlier official estimates.

Did this mutational paradise help the livestock? Because the radiation cloud from the 1986 meltdown went into the very soil, every passing year brings more and more birth defects among farm animals. Colts with eight limbs, deformed lower jaws, and disjointed spinal columns have been born. The Yuri Gagarin collective farm in Vyazovka has produced 195 freak calves. Some of the animals had no eyes, deformed skulls, and distorted mouths. At a farm in Malinovka, about 200 pigs, damaged in one way or another, have been born since the accident. We are viewing an evolutionist's paradise in action!

But not only externally observed changes have occurred, internal organs are, on an ongoing basis, being damaged also. This is regularly producing fetal abortions, stillbirths, and infant deaths among the animals.

What about the people? From Fall 1988 to Spring 1996, there has began a dramatic rise in thyroid disease, anemia, and cancer.

Residents are complaining of fatigue, as well as loss of vision and appetite. An astounding drop in the immunity level of the entire population in that region has occurred. People have a difficult time recovering from the simplest infection, and children are affected even more than grown-ups.

The poisoning of the land by radiation has caused dire health problems. The radiation affects nongenetic tissue, and within reproductive cells it causes mutations in the DNA which produce deformed or dead offspring.

And what about those new species? Not one has occurred. No new species have come into existence. The species there are the same ones that have always been there; only now they are damaged and dying. This is because massive and totally beneficial mutation would have to occur to produce unique new species. But that cannot occur and will never occur, because random mutations only sporadically occur—even in a place like Chernobyl,—and they are always—always—harmful and weakening.

Ironically, we know so much about this because of the dedicated efforts of Igor Kostin, the first man to photograph the Chernobyl accident from the air. Since 1986, he has returned to the reactor six times, has spent hundreds of hours in the Chernobyl area, and traveled extensively throughout the regions surrounding it, documenting the ongoing tragedy on film for the world. But his heroic efforts to make that information available have damaged his own body. Exposed to 5 times the acceptable level of radiation, he is now constantly tired and sometimes has trouble walking. But he keeps leaving his home in Kiev, and journeying to Chernobyl, so the world can know what is happening there.

News report, April 1991: A Soviet government ministry has announced that instead of the official "37 people" who have died as a result of the Chernobyl accident, the figure approximates 10,000 deaths to date.


Lots of fine new species should have been produced here.

This paradise carries us still further back into the past and, in so doing, provides us with a far longer span of time in which to examine the noble consequences of radiation on human genetic tissue.

It was a beautiful morning with not a cloud in the sky. The date was August 6, 1945; the time, 8:00 a.m. A single plane was in the sky. Then its bombbay doors opened.

When the bomb reached 1,850 feet, a radar echo set off an ordinary explosion inside. This drove a wedge of U-235 into a larger piece of U-235, setting off a blast with the force of 13,000 tons of TNT. As a result, more than 4.5 square miles of the city were destroyed. The "Little Boy" atomic bomb exploded only 800 feet from on-target, and essentially destroyed the city. Over 92,000 persons were dead or missing.

The living were worse off than the dead, for radiation poured into their bodies from the explosion and the after-radiation cloud. The name the Japanese gave to the miserable survivors was hibakusha. These poor creatures have struggled with radiation-damaged bodies through the remainder of their shortened lives. Not one of them evolved into a different species or a new super-race.


Mutations are supposed to yield all the wonders of nature, but all they produce is sickness and death.

Would you care to go to any one of those larger evolutionist's paradises—Chernobyl now or Hiroshima in the fall of 1945? No, you would not. This is because radiation, X rays, mutational damage of body and chromosomes is not a pleasant matter. Everyone fears radiation, even the evolutionist. They would not want to go there either. Yet these same men calmly tell us that all the good in our world today: the beautiful plants, trees, animals, and people, and all the hope of our future progress—is but the result of mutational damage to DNA, such as occurred at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl.

Yet, as the geneticists have discovered, most such mutations primarily came from radiation of one type or another rather than from other sources. And the other sources, such as mustard gas, are not pleasant either.

Here is a brief overview of some of the things that can cause mutational damage to your body:

"Put in the fewest possible words, Darwinism today is seen as espousing the process of organic evolution resulting from the natural selection of accidental gene mutations.

"What is thought to be the cause of these spontaneous changes which take place in genes and which are alleged to cause either an improved or a diminished state of the body? The basic source is considered to be the impact of ionizing radiations or the effects of a wide assortment of unusually reactive chemicals called mutagens.

"Radiations capable of altering the physical or chemical makeup of genes come from a variety of sources. They may come from the surrounding environment, in which the immediate natural mineral in some locations emit penetrating radiations. Radiations may also originate in outer space. These cosmic rays constantly bombard our bodies day and night. Ultraviolet light and X rays are also capable of mutagenic effects.

"Adding to this, there are a great many very relative chemicals which are capable of chemically altering crucial genes, should these chemicals manage to reach the sex cells. Examples of chemical mutagens are epoxides, peroxides, mustard compounds of some types, and even the common preservative, formaldehyde [a constituent of plastics]."—Lester J. McCann, Blowing the Whistle on Darwinism (1986), pp. 45-46.

Not once has any serious biologist or geneticist declared that radiation is helpful to humanity. Yet radiation is the stuff that mutations are made of, and mutations are supposed to have produced all the amazing life forms in our world.

"Biologists have found that they can produce mutation in the laboratory by using X rays, but they have given no clear evidence that mutations beneficial to the organism can be produced in this way."—Howard B. Holboyd, "Darwinism is Physical and Mathematical Nonsense," in Creation Research Society Quarterly, June 1972, p. 12.


To the next topic in this series:

THE MONSTER MUTATION THEORY: This is carrying an idea to an extreme. But evolutionists, in desperation, have turned to it because every other means of evolution has failed them.