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Your ancestors were not apes. They were always humans, although they were smarter and larger than you are now. This is the evidence we find in scientific records. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

In the list below, full caps at the beginning of a hyperlink show it begins a new page.


Interesting Facts: Here are some basic facts you should know
Basic Questions
: Questions the evolutionists do not wish to answer
: These are supposed to be your ancestors, but they never were


Early Man: Here are facts about some real people who lived in the past
Human Footprints
: Large man-made footprints from ancient times
Remains in Coal and Rock
: Did you know that man-made objects have been found in coal, rock, and other things?


The Intelligence of Ancient Man: Our ancestors were more intelligent than we are today
The Languages of Ancient Man: Ancient languages were originated by races more intelligent than we are today
The Place of Origin of Ancient Man
: According to the evidence, where did our ancestors first live?
The Crops and Domestic Animals of Ancient Man
:The location of the first ones also helps pinpoint where we find the first evidences of our ancestors

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THE GLEN Rose and Antelope Springs Tracks: Here, in more detail, are some of the footprints from the past which haunt evolutionists
THE STORY of Piltdown Man: Evolutionary history is full of frauds. Here is one of them
ARTISTS to the Aid of Evolution: How misleading art work is used to help "prove" evolution
ANTHROPOLOGY Class Discussion: A student fills in some gaps in his university professor's thinking


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