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Did you know that you are supposed to have useless organs in your body, which you inherited from your nonhuman ancestors? Sounds funny? Well it is. And the idea is not scientific either. Here are scientific facts you should know.

Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

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CONTENTS: Vestiges

Introduction: More evolutionary foolishness
We Have No Useless Organs: So we have no vestigial organs
Our "Ancestors" Should Have Them Also: But they do not
Would Not Prove Evolution Anyway: Would only prove degeneration
Conclusion: Ask an evolutionist to let you remove his 200 useless organs

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SCIENTISTS SPEAK about Vestiges: Researchers explain the foolishness of this theory

This material is excerpted from the book, VESTIGES. . An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the books this Encyclopedia is based on, only 164 statements are by creationists.


Are there remnants of evolution in your body? The evolutionists say there are. The Darwinists call these your "vestigial organs," and tell us we can identify these organs. They say those are the useless structures which, according to the theory, were used by the other-species ancestors you descended from. Sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Well, it is downright foolishness.

Here are the reasons why the theory is unscientific and incorrect:


We have no vestigial organs, because we have none which are useless.

This whole theory was invented a century ago by Darwinists who knew little about the body. *Robert Wiedersheim, a German Darwinist, wrote in 1895 that 86 of your organs were useless vestiges. Among these were the valves in the veins; the pineal gland; the thymus; bones in the third, fourth, and fifth toes; lachrymal (tear) glands, and certain female organs. Also included were the thyroid and pituitary glands!

Yet modern science recognizes that there is not one useless organ in your body. Every one has a special purpose and function. However, not all function throughout your life. Here are several organs which the evolutionists once called "useless:"

The tonsils protect your throat against infections. The appendix also fights infection. The coccyx is the bottom of your spine; without it you could not sit comfortably. It also provides an attachment for your pelvic organs, so they will not collapse. The thymus enables the T cells, which protect your body from infection, to function properly. The Pineal gland secretes important hormones, such as melatonin, which inhibits secretion of luteinizing hormone.

The thyroid gland is essential to normal body growth in infancy and childhood; and, although regulated by the pituitary, is somewhat of a master gland affecting metabolism and body activity. The pituitary is the "master gland," as well as controlling skeletal growth and proper functioning of the thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive glands.

*Charles Darwin said the semilunar fold in your eye was useless. It is now known to cleanse and lubricate your eyeball. Many other "useless" organs could be mentioned. We repeat: There is not one useless organ in your body.


If we have "vestigial" organs from our ancestors, our theoretical "ancestors" ought to have them also.

But a biologist will tell you that some do and some do not. For example, consider the appendix: What other animals have it? Here they are; Wombats, rabbits, apes, and opossums. Monkeys do not have them, nor the other animals. Which of these descended from which? Yet the evolutionary theory of "vestiges" is based on the concept that your vestigial organs are inherited from a long line—all those different species going back to tiny creatures. It is said that, over a period of time, later species did not use organs developed earlier—so they always became vestiges. Well, that is the theory, but scientific facts do not support it.


The existence of vestigial organs would not prove evolution anyway.

Actually, they would prove degeneration, not evolution! Useless organs in our bodies would mean we were going backward, not forward. Evolutionists claim we are evolving upward, and then point to supposedly degenerate organs in our bodies to prove it.

*Cherfas puts it this way:

"If there were no imperfections, there would be no evidence to favor evolution by natural selection over creation."—*Jeremy Cherfas, "The Difficulties of Darwinism," New Scientist, Vol. 102 (May 17, 1984), p. 29.

"No evidence." Cherfas, an expert in his field, is essentially saying this: There is no evidence anywhere in the plant and animal kingdom pointing to evolution of one species to another. So all we can rely on for evidence that evolution has occurred—is such things as vestigial organs! There is no other evidence!


Ask an evolutionist to let you remove all his!

This is the theory that you have "useless organs" in your body. Evolutionists used to say that we had 200 of them, including our thyroid and pituitary glands. Yet no evolutionist will let you take his out! You would die if you did not have a pituitary gland or thyroid hormone.


Forward to the next major topic in this series:

SCIENTISTS SPEAK ABOUT VESTIGES: Researchers explain the foolishness of this theory.