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In the latter half of the 20th century, evolutionary theory completely unraveled. On all fronts it had become clear that the evidence simply did not exist. Yet evolutionists continue to trumpet to the public the concept that their theory is a "scientific fact." This concludes this three-part study. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

Page numbers without book references refer to the book, HISTORY OF EVOLUTIONARY THEORY, from which these facts are summarized. An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the set of books this Encyclopedia is based on, only 164 statements are by creationists.


*Julian Huxley (1887-1975) was the leading evolutionary spokesman in the mid-20th century. Grandson of *Darwin's "bulldog," *Thomas Huxley, Julian was elevated to a key position in the United Nations, in an effort to make sure it adhered to evolutionary theory.—p. 31.

*Immanuel Velikovsky was another rebel in the evolutionists' camp. He wrote books suggesting that moons and planets had collided in the past, resulting in catastrophes on Planet Earth.

Although untrue, his books caused people to look more closely around them and see the abundant evidence that there has been a catastrophe in early times—the Flood.—p. 31.

Darwinian centennial celebration. For the 100th anniversary of Darwin's Origin of the Species, a grand gathering was held for a week at the University of Chicago in November 1959.

*Thomas Huxley's grandson, *Julian Huxley, gave the keynote address, focusing attention on a total repudiation of God.—pp. 31-32.

Biological sciences curriculum study. That same year, the BSCS was formed by the American Institute of Biological Scientists, for the purpose of demanding that schools throughout the nation no longer just teach biology, but also organic evolution, sex education, population control, and making sure that textbooks dealing with these issues were produced and used.—p. 32.

Revolt in France. In the early 1960s, a number of French scientists rose in revolt against evolutionary theory, declaring it to be hopelessly unable to explain the facts.—p. 32.

Children's books. New children's books began to be produced. One, entitled "The Wonderful Egg," told about a mother dinosaur who laid an egg, which hatched into a baby bird, "the first baby bird in the whole world." (No mention was made of how it found a mate.)—p. 32.

DNA. The discovery of DNA, in the 1950s, shook the foundations of evolutionary theory. The truth about the DNA code buttressed the evidence available from the field and from fossil evidence—that no trans-species changes were possible.—p. 32.

Creation Research Society. Founded in 1963, this organization of creation scientists has produced quarterly publications, discussing evolutionary topics.—pp. 32-33.

Institute for Creation Research. The work which George M. Price carried on so nobly during the first half of the 20th century, the Creation Research Society took up during its second half. Founded in 1963, it has sponsored over 70 books and over 200 major creation-evolution debates on university and college campuses and elsewhere throughout the world.—p. 33.

Christian compromise deepens. Begun as a creationist organization in 1941, the American Science Affiliation was soon taken over by liberal Christians who wanted to compromise with evolutionary theorists.

A similar compromise has been made by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and many Protestant denominational boards, colleges, and churches.

The teaching is generally a variation of the theme that, in the beginning, God created. After that, millions or billions of years elapsed while plants, animals, and ancient ape-man evolved. Then, more recently, Adam and Eve were created.

Although we know there was no sin or death before Adam and Eve sinned, this liberal theology would provide us with millions of years of sin and death prior to Adam's creation (Rom 5:12). Although genetics, biology, and fossils reveal no possibility of cross-species changes, this compromised position fully endorses them. It is actually an acceptance of evolution by Christians.

Another compromised variation declares that God started the creation by setting off a Big Bang, which evolved into stars and planets. In this form, essentially every aspect of evolutionary teaching is accepted.—p. 33.

*Stephen Jay Gould has, for over a decade, been the most outspoken leader of evolutionary thought. This very influential Harvard paleontologist (fossil expert) has adopted *Goldschmidt's hopeful monster theory and made it his own. He declares that evolution only occurs once every 50,000 years. A fish lays an egg and a "furry creature" hatches. After that, there will be no more "massive mutational changes" for another 50,000 years ("punctuated equilibrium" he calls it). So that little animal, which comes out of the fish egg, must wait 50,000 years for its mate to be born—before it can reproduce! Yet the next new species may, instead, be a redwood tree or a worm.

Of course, it is obvious that, if mutations are never beneficial—but always weakening, damaging, or lethal—then Gould's million or billion of them all at one time would accomplish nothing worthwhile.

This is a very important issue, since Gould has swung many evolutionists in his direction. They mutually recognize that normal evolutionary theory cannot accomplish the task.

For more on this subject, see Mutations.pp. 33-34.

*Steven Stanley is another leading paleontologist, who has accepted the hopeful monster theory. He named it "quantum speciation," and added a slight twist in the hope of correcting one of its faults. But, by so doing, he only made the situation worse.

Stanley adds the point that, instead of a one in a million positive-mutation creature hatching out of the egg every 50,000 years,—several hatch out of eggs within a few miles of each other all at the same time! —And each new monster is the same type of strange new species! This all happens by chance, insuring that reproduction will occur.

The likelihood of that happening is about the same as you being able to correctly predict that tomorrow at noon a rock will fly off the moon and an hour later hit you on the head!—pp. 34-35.

Special meetings. It was not until the 1960s that evolutionists began a full-scale attack on the evolutionary theory. The Wistar Institute, an important scientific gathering, convened in Philadelphia in 1966. Scientists arose and discussed why the theory just did not work in their field. Mathematicians stood up and explained why it was mathematically impossible. (For more on this, see Wistar Destroys Evolution.)

You might wonder then, why is it still being taught everywhere? There are two reasons: (1) The only alternative is creation, and many are unwilling to accept it. So they remain with a burned-out disfunctional theory. (2) The organized evolutionary forces, controlling the science foundations, education associations, accreditation agencies, and all the rest—tenaciously cling to their beloved theory. They too realize it is all they have, since the alternative is totally unacceptable to them.

Additional meetings were held in 1969, 1980, 1981, and 1984. They only added to the condemnation, but nothing lasting came of them. Evolution still reigns supreme.—pp. 35-37, 39.

Panspermia. This peculiar theory, as strange as all the rest, was devised by *Francis Crick, a co-discoverer of the DNA structure. According to Crick, people on other planets sent a rocket down here with living creatures on it, in order to populate our planet! His name for it is "directed panspermia." When it comes to desperately trying to find a successful means of evolution, any wild idea will do. (For more on this, see Panspermia.)

This is a variant of the basic "panspermia" theory (also called "cosmozoia"); those creatures were alive and well on a rock in the absolute zero of outer space, with no air to breath—ever. Then that meteor flew into our atmosphere, became red-hot, crashed into the ground—and the living creatures on it survived, and changed into all our present plants and animals.—p. 39.

Lawsuits. Last but not least, on the way to evolutionary success, have been the threatened lawsuits. The ACLU has threatened state governments to give a monopoly to evolutionary teachings—or else. One state after another in America has crumpled under this attack.—p. 39.

Evolution is the teaching that everything came out of nothing. It also teaches that a lizard one day laid an egg which hatched into a bird. Yet such ideas are not true and do not agree with scientific facts.

Because of this, evolutionists have had a difficult time gaining control of science research and most of the schools. —But, by using unfair methods, they have done it anyway.

Conclusion. Back in earlier centuries, the best European scientists were always creationists. The facts of nature clearly showed that God created the worlds, and that He alone made all the different species of plants and animals.

But, beginning especially in the 19th century, there were atheists who wanted to gain control of all work done in science.

One man, who was not a scientist, but had a lot of money and extra time, sat around and tried to think of ways that nothing made itself into everything. His name was *Charles Darwin. Soon others joined him in his efforts to deny the existence of God.

In England, a meeting was held to ridicule scientists who believed the scientific facts, showing that sand and seawater could not make itself into living creatures, and that one species never produced a different one.

In Germany, a man named *Ernst Haeckel made charts which were not true. He also was trying to convince everyone that people came from animals.

Yet there were genuine scientists who did careful research, and they kept finding new evidence that evolution could not possibly be true.

Mendel, in Europe, discovered the principles of heredity, showing that everything born is like its parents. For example, a guinea pig will be like its parents, and whether it has a rough or smooth coat or whether it is white or tan will depend on the color of its ancestors. Guinea pig babies will always be guinea pigs; they will not be crows, lizards, or pine trees.

Later, in America, scientists discovered genes. There is something in the genes which decides whether each guinea pig will have rough or smooth fur. Researchers also experimented for nearly all the 20th century with fruit flies and moths, trying to get them to change into new species. X rays were used to greatly increase mutations. But it was found that the mutations only weakened and eventually caused death.

So, to this day, no way has been found by which evolution (the changing of one true species into another) could occur.

In addition, other researchers have studied the rock strata in the ground, and found that all the fossils fit into certain definite species. There are no half-species, showing that one species has changed into another one.

In 1925, evolutionists arranged the Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee. Instead of trying to prove evolution (which they could not do), they just made fun of creationists in the newspapers. They called it the "monkey trial." Their only real evidence was a buried tooth from Nebraska, which they said belonged to a "half-man / half-ape." A couple years later, it was proved to be a pig's tooth!

Over the years, ridicule, hoaxes, and the threat of lawsuits have been used to gain control of science foundations, the universities, and textbook companies.

But, as the years passed, it has become quite obvious to many scientists that evolution is a failure. For example, the DNA code was discovered in the 1950s, proving that it would be impossible for a mother mouse to produce a fox or rabbit.

Many scientific discoveries have been made in the 19th and 20th centuries which clearly show that evolution is not true, has never happened, and could never happen. Yet, in spite of these discoveries, evolutionists tenaciously hold a lock grip on what is taught.


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DARWIN'S VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD: During his famous five-year sea voyage, Darwin found no evidence of evolution.